Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Natural Medicines for Stomach Acid Rises

Gastric acid is responsible for digesting the food that enters. Nevertheless, sometimes the amount becomes excessive and can make the digestive system disrupted.

That makes the valve between the esophagus and stomach not function appropriately so that stomach acid can rise to the esophagus and cause GERD. GERD or gastroesophageal reflux disease causes symptoms of heartburn or chest pain, mouth feels bitter/sour, difficulty swallowing, and the stomach feels uncomfortable.

Well, there is no need to panic if stomach acid rises, because some of these natural medicines can help relieve it.

1. Herbal tea

Herbal tea can help relieve nausea due to stomach acid. Not only that, but herbal tea can also help facilitate the digestive system.
However, do not choose the wrong, herbal teas that can be consumed by people with stomach acid should be caffeine-free. Like sweet root tea and chamomile.

2. Smoothies

Not only delicious, but in fact, smoothies are also safe for consumption by stomach acid sufferers. Nevertheless, remember, when buying or making smoothies our self, choose fruits that do not contain many acids, like watermelons or pears.

3. Milk

If stomach acid rises, we can drink low-fat milk / skim milk to reduce it. That is because skim milk quickly digests, so it does not interfere with the function of the esophagus valve. Besides, We can also drink vegetable milk like almond milk, which contains chemical properties so that it can help neutralize stomach acid.

Died Because of Stomach Acid

Those who have an ulcer history MUST READ it
New knowledge
This girl died because of stomach acid.

GERD or dyspepsia

What is Gerd?
(Gastroesophageal Reflux)
died suddenly due to Gerd

Let us study
At least read first what it means to be more aware of our bodies.
Enjoy our life.
Enjoy life and give as many thanks.

Cause of GERD

Want to know the consequences of Gerd?
If stomach acid rises in the chest area, then later around the chest, it will feel hot like burning.

If he rises about the heart area, the heartbeat rhythm can disrupt so that the heart can pound so hard that the pounding is like a bell that feels like it is just about to fall off.

If the stomach acid rises to the lungs, it will disrupt the function of the lungs so that we will often experience shortness of breath.

If gastric acid goes to ENT (Throat, Nose, and Ear), then the Throat will often occur inflammation, it will be difficult to swallow.
If the throat has an infection and then narrows, it is what makes the patient feel when sleeping like strangled people and throat always feels there is a blockage.

Then what happens to the nose if it is often affected by increased stomach acid?
The nose can experience sinusitis.
Flu-like symptoms that do not heal throughout the year.
Just one-day flu does not feel very good.
What if it happens every day for the whole year?

Then what if the stomach acid seeps into the ears?
People who suffer from chronic ulcers, which then develop into Gerd often, then hearing becomes less.
It can even lose hearing altogether.
Very worrying, huh?

Not only the Throat, Nose, and Ears can then be disturbed.
Nevertheless, even the eye can be affected by the rise of stomach acid everywhere.
Vision People with stomach ulcers and GERD often get disturbed because the nerves of the eye are affected by stomach acid, which seeps into the eyes.
So, that becomes blurry.

It is not just chronic stomach pain and Gerd.
If many organs become impaired due to the increase in stomach acid, the suffering they experience is very alarming.
Unless the stomach feels like a knife slashing, they will also be short of breath, and the heart will be stiff.

Errors of Ulcer Sufferers
Pain Maag is a Silent Killer.
The KILLER is quiet and the Death We take lightly.

We also have stomach ulcers because our Blood Type O has high acidity.
Most sufferers of heartburn are O Blood type.
Blood Type O is generally not recommended for being a Vegetarian.

One of the biggest mistakes of Ulcer sufferers is:
- Instantly Take Ulcer Medication

Taking Maragh medicine so we can eat is ❌ (wrong).

In urgent cases, do not eat first so that the stomach can rest.

Take a pinch of salt, suck slowly.
Within minutes the stomach will feel comfortable because chemical properties in the salt neutralize the acid.

- Do not understand

Many Ulcer sufferers think that they do not want to depend on medicine.
They think Acid in the Stomach will disappear when given sweet food or drink or will disappear with time.
That is the FIRST thought.

Gastric acid is CORROSIVE, which helps the digestion process.
Nevertheless, it is very damaging if it is excessive.

IMMEDIATELY neutralize the acid by sucking salt.
Then make a warm salt solution + Lemon / Lime drops.
Lemon tastes sour but is alkaline.
The taste of tamarind, press with salt.

-Not aware of the cause

Many Ulcer sufferers think that gastritis is caused by:
- Late seating
- Drinking coffee
- Eat Acid
- Eat spicily
- Eat Glutinous Rice
- And others


The leading cause is not that.
Late eating, coffee, acid & spicy, sticky rice & coconut milk, and others are just SECONDARY CAUSES.

The most common cause of heartburn is precise:
- Stress
- lack of movement

occupying an essential place, causing gastric ulcers.
The concentration of gastric acid increases several times much higher even when stressed than when late eating.

The body makes a peristaltic motion in the intestine and stomach weaken, so that stomach acid is not processed correctly and accumulates.
For example, after eating, direct sleeping will make the intestine not digest properly.
The result can trigger more gastric acid because the stomach "thinks" that the food is not well-saturated in previous digestive processes.

Movements in yoga must do
Longing yoga will allow the stomach and bowel contents to move and more quickly mix with the enzymes in the stomach and intestines.

To prevent recurrent ulcers, our need to avoid trigger factors like the one above and we should eat small portions but more often.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Can Ulcer Heal Completely and Not Recur?

Can Ulcer Heal Completely and Not Recur?

Ulcer is a condition that many people often complain about. Ulcer or dyspepsia is a term that describes the feeling of a full stomach, discomfort in the upper abdomen, frequent belching, heartburn, bloating, and nausea. Various methods were taken so that this did not recur, from taking medication to regulating food. But still the ulcer can happen again. Actually, can the ulcer recover completely forever? Come find out the answer below.

Actually what is an ulcer and what is the cause?

Ulcer is a collection of symptoms of various conditions associated with gastrointestinal problems.

Symptoms include:

- Bloating
- belch
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sour taste in the mouth
- The stomach feels burning hot
- Stomach ache
- The stomach feels full

There are many causes that can make the symptoms of ulcers occur. Starting from increased stomach acid, gastric infections, experiencing intestinal or gastric wounds, pancreatitis, gastroparesis, food intolerance, thyroid disease, food poisoning, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

In addition to illness, an unhealthy lifestyle can also trigger symptoms of an ulcer, such as:

- The habit of eating too much and fast.
- experience stress and fatigue
- Drink too much alcohol
- smoking

Then is the stomach able to recover completely?
Ulcer can basically be removed with antacid drugs, or acid blockers such as ranitidine or omeprazole. These drugs are able to relieve, but NOT FORM TO MAKE YOU CURE TOTAL.

Can ulcers heal tota? This depends on whether the cause of your stomach can be resolved completely or not. If the cause can be resolved completely, automatically the symptoms of ulcer will disappear. That means, stomach ulcers can be completely cured if treated according to their roots, not just using drugs to relieve stomach symptoms.

Symptoms of ulcers most often occur due to increased stomach acid (GERD) or there are wounds (ulcers) in the gastrointestinal tract.

For example, if the symptoms of stomach ulcers arise due to GERD, then first drugs will be given such as H2 blockers and antacids. BUT The use of this drug can still make your stomach acid condition rise again, especially if there are triggers such as being stressed, or eating too fast.

If you experience ulcers or sores in the stomach, this can be treated with acid-blocking drugs or better with turmeric and lime which have been formulated into herbs, and this can be completely cured. If the wound in your stomach is fully healed, then the symptoms of the stomach will not return.

If you have an infection in the stomach due to a bacterial attack, you need antibiotics for the treatment. Honey, turmeric and lime are good anti-bacteria to overcome them. Handling the right gastric infection until healed automatically will also eliminate the symptoms of ulcers.

In order to be completely cured, start applying a healthy lifestyle

But it should be noted also, what causes GERD, ulcers, and infection. If the things above are caused by bad habits that can cause it such as often eating spicy, sour, and fatty foods, or drinking coffee often, then you need to change that. If not, chances are that the same problem will recur.

Therefore, in addition to treating the cause with medical treatment, it is also necessary to arrange proper eating for people who experience ulcers so that they recover more quickly.

A high-fiber diet is a good way to help heal the digestive system. This diet will have the effect of cleansing the intestines and making digestion more smooth and clean. Fruits, nuts, vegetables have good fiber to protect the digestive tract.

Reducing spicy or oily food, drinking regularly will also help smooth the digestive process. With the right diet the causes of ulcers will be cured more quickly, so that the symptoms of ulcers will disappear more quickly and not repeat again.

Ulcer is actually not a specific disease, but a collection of symptoms that are felt when there is a problem with digestion.

Sunday, June 9, 2019


What is our heart the most taboo? You might not know.
After reading this article you might be surprised!

1. The most heart
the restrictions are:
● All food and
drinks that are of a nature
● Do not drink ES water
● Don't eat food cold out
from the refrigerator. Better eat that food warm / hot.
(This is if we want to healthy!)

2. What is the main enemy our heart?
● Are there habits when eating rice or after eating rice then drink cold water / ice.
● Especially while wiping sweat when devouring food.
● When it's hot, while drinking something cold, really very tasty

3. If you have a habit like that please see explanation below this:
● The main conqueror heart is after eating, *SHOULD NOT* drink - drink and that food cold (ice),  and this are instructions from cardiologist in various parts world.

The explanation:
Drink a glass of water cold / ice after eat indeed very comfortable, but cold water / ice can freeze
(agglomerate oil / fat meal the one you just swallowed in the stomach, even  can cause deep digestion
stomach becomes slow.

So lumps (freezing) similar food the mud met stomach acid, then will break down quickly and absorbed by the intestine and he will stick to the wall intestine.

 Not long ago then will transformed into fat, which if every day after day like this, then long eventually you will cause disease, even cause of tumor / cancer.
So after eat better drink warm water only

4. Please pay attention symptoms of an attack heart:
● Not all symptoms heart attack will hurt in the arm left, but we have to be alert if it happens pain in the nape of the neck.
● During an attack heart happens, no will definitely get sick in ulu heart, but at generally feel nausea and sweat cool down that's a common symptom attack heart.
● statistical data 60% heart attack occurs while being sleep, so sufferers during sleep
don't wake up anymore.

When you want to sleep, try to drink a glass of warm water, to prevent a heart attack when you fall asleep or wake up in the morning.

When you wake up you are usually the highest tension so don't get up immediately, wait 5 minutes or lightly move your limbs, so that the blood flows better.

Get used to after waking up drinking 2 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach.

□ Pain in the neck often cause waking up from sleep soundly So must be careful.

□ The more we are know this, then chance of life  better, healthier and longevity will the greater it is.

One doctor cardiologist appeal, if every the person who has read this news, expected to be send to friends friend, relatives his brother.

Hopefully an explanation this brief can help us from danger of attack heart.

* Healthy is expensive, love our heart *



A group of Japanese Doctors assert that * warm water * is 100% effective in solving several health problems such as:

1. Migraine
2. High blood pressure
3. Low blood pressure
4. Joint pain
5. Sudden increase and decrease in heart rate
6. Epilepsy
7. Eliminating cholesterol levels
8. Coughing
9. Body discomfort
10. Gout pain
11. Asthma
12. Cough continuously
13. Blockage of blood vessels
14. Diseases associated with Uterus & Urine
15. Stomach problems
16. Poor appetite
17. Also all diseases related to the eyes, ears & throat.
18. Headache


Get up early and drink around * 2 cups of warm water when the stomach is empty *. You might not be able to make 2 cups at the beginning but slowly.

* NOTE: *

* DO NOT * eat anything 45 minutes after taking water.

Warm water therapy will resolve health problems in a reasonable period of time such as:

✔ Diabetes in 30 days
✔ Blood pressure in 30 days
✔ Stomach problems in 10 days
✔ All types of cancer in 9 months
✔ Blockage of arteries in 6 months
✔ Poor appetite in 10 days
✔ Uterus and related diseases in 10 days
✔ Nose, Ear and Throat Problems in 10 days
✔ Women's problems in 15 days
✔ Heart disease in 30 days
✔ Headaches / migraines in 3 days
✔ Cholesterol in 4 months
✔ Epilepsy and continuous paralysis in 9 months
✔ Asthma in 4 months


If cold water does not affect you at a young age, it will endanger you in * old age *.

* Cold water closes 4 heart veins and causes a heart attack *. Cold drinks are the main reason for a heart attack.

* This also creates problems in the heart because it makes fat get stuck in the liver *. Most people who are waiting for a liver transplant are victims of drinking cold water.

* Cold water affects the internal walls of the stomach, It affects the large intestine and produces Cancer *

## hope to benefit ##

Natural Medicines for Stomach Acid Rises

Gastric acid is responsible for digesting the food that enters. Nevertheless, sometimes the amount becomes excessive and can make the diges...