Tuesday, July 4, 2017

The Linkage Between Sleep Disorders And Gastric Acid

Stomach acid is said to be a symptom of ulcers that cause inflammation of the stomach and injuries due to poor diet that makes sufferers experience pain and nausea, as well as difficulty sleeping disorders.

Process of gastric acid occurrence due. That to a lack of acid production. To digest food in a state of schedule that it should. When we sleep the supposed stomach rest, it will still produce acid even though no food destroyed in it.

(Source Picture : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhWoU7mbAjHPFalqPPbqdHPonqyxNUBqfjJb54Mw76uAf9_1A0BgFHyetdmTwJEpNKt8vse5gJcfJwW6_YXUoCD8CuK1pZvkpIonW7NOAbySzL9MXJFj3Jy6DQzhBieN-29seb427hmp62v/s1600/sleep.jpeg)
Stomach acid is beneficial to the body, and it takes when you eat. And when your body does not need it, by itself, the stomach acid will decrease by itself. Therefore you need to pay attention to diet and the right time to eat.

Symptoms of stomach acid can occur at all ages, and the initial because exposed to stomach acid is a factor of food, food intake factors, and irregular dietary factors. Gastric acid includes chronic and acute diseases.

So before the stomach acid gets worsens, better pay attention to dietary intake and the right time to eat. Do not be late because the stomach acid is hazardous, even in some cases cause death.

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