Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Benefits of Sleep Leaning To the left For Ulcer

Benefits of Sleep Leaning To the left for ulcer and stomach acid is very good and useful for patients with stomach ulcers and acid. This sleeping habit, other than beneficial for gastric disease, can make us prevented from stomach acid disease and nausea problems after waking up.

(Source picture :

An ulcer is a disease where there is an injury to the stomach or inflammation caused by irritation of the stomach lining. The stomach lining may be irritated due to an increase in excess stomach acid. Symptoms ulcers are also not wearing such as nausea and even vomiting, pain in the pit of the heart-eating unpleasant, flatulence, and other stomach problems.

Sleeping facing left. If we are experiencing gastritis or stomach acid, you told to sleep with the condition to the left side. Sloping sleep makes the stomach acid is not natural to rise to the top, because the shape of the stomach slightly hanging to the left. In addition to the stomach sleep data, slant positions retiring have many benefits of which we will discuss here well, yah, congratulations reading.

Strengthens the body's lymphatic system 

 According to Ayurveda treatment (traditional Indian medicine), sleeping on the left side helps the body to more effectively filter out the bright and spleen fluid in the body. This is because the most dominant of the lymphatic side is the one on the left. When sleeping in a sloping position to the right will make the spleen system becomes less efficient.

Helps improve digestion 

Sleeping in a position to turn to the left can make our digestion more healthy and complete. That is because of the force of gravity. Sleeping in this position can make food easy to move and digested by the intestine.

By sleeping like this, we will be smooth. Prevent the onset of stomach acid up (GERD) because of the right gastric position. Not only are many benefits that can be obtained, such as relieve back pain and reduce heartburn on the stomach, which can also nourish the heart.

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