Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Danger of Jackfruit Fruit For Sufferers

Jackfruit is a fruit that lives in the tropics is certainly very easy to find in South Asia. Jackfruit is a sweet fruit which, of course, many people like when cooked. Jackfruit fruit is a fruit that is easy to find in Indonesia, but that does not mean this fruit has no benefits, this fruit contains a myriad of benefits and excellent but dangerous for ulcer, which We can get when taking them regularly.


(Souce Picture : http://goqii.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/jackfruit_3054205-sq1.jpg)

Jackfruit fruit is also useful for humans in overcoming some health problems. The danger of Jackfruit Fruit For Patients with Ulcer will discuss in this opportunity.

 Ulcer or gastritis is a common disease suffered by people. Gastritation or ulcer is a disease in the form of inflammation in the stomach lining. As a result, a person suffering from ulcers has symptoms such as pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, sometimes even accompanied by symptoms such as vomiting. As a result, the patient becomes lazy to eat, lazy to eat will aggravate the ulcer disease.

Patients with ulcers recommended to eat often, but a little, do direct not jump. Because it will make the inflammation becomes severe again. Patients with ulcers also advised staying away from sour foods and drinks, soda, alcohol, and spicy foods. Suggest, the consumption of foods are easy to digest and not too hard like porridge, so the food is natural to process and digested.

Jackfruit is rich nutrients that perfect for the body. This fruit is rich in magnesium, iron, which plays a role in healthy bones and blood cells. The breed for Maag in jackfruit is the fiber content. Patients with gastritis are not advising to consume high fiber foods, and this is because the stomach to work more, and increase excess stomach acid while the jackfruit. Itself has fiber that is light and easy to process by the stomach.

 Besides, the fruit jackfruit content has a pH or acidity level of 5.8 though not too alkaline, and this fruit can stimulate the production of excess stomach acid. jackfruit also has a gas that can aggravate the symptoms of bloating in patients with ulcers. Preferably if we have a history of gastritis or are suffering, stay away from this fruit well.

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