Incidentally yesterday I just translated a questionnaire containing about GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a chronic disease characterized by the flow of stomach acid (reflux) into the esophagus. Although I am not in charge of health / medicine, at least I managed to find some sources that can be used as a reference.
( Source Picture: )
Indeed every person would want to be healthy, but sometimes habits, lifestyle, diet, sleep patterns make a person vulnerable to various diseases. One of them is this disease. Emphasis from the search results I get, for those who are overweight, please be on the lookout for this disease because. The disease is more severe than ulcer disease. Do not know why fat people are always close to the disease, and what I fear most is diseases like hypertension and diabetes. But it turns out obese people also face the risk of "light" disease like this. An average of 20% of adult US population experience GERD symptoms at least once a week. Severe GERD will cause ulcers (ulcers)
The symptoms of GERD disease are the feeling / sensation of heat in the chest (or more precisely behind the breastbone - as I get from the translating result of yesterday), the acidic taste rises to the tongue feeling bitter and acidic (regurgitation). This is because fat deposits and pressure in the stomach getting bigger. The action should be done to avoid the above symptoms of controlling weight to normal proportions.
This disease is classified as dyspepsia syndrome, which describes the existence of a collection or symptoms consisting of nausea, vomiting, pain or a sense of security in the solar plexus. In addition to weight control, other prevention is to control stress by maintaining a quality rest. Besides reducing or stopping smoking (wah if this seems difficult) and reduce the consumption of certain drugs. Also avoid spicy foods, beverages that trigger increased stomach acid. For example, coffee or sour taste (this is also difficult).
However, GERD is not only threatening to someone who is overweight, asthma patients, pregnant women and psychiatric disorders or psychic stress can get this disease. In order not to get GERD, here are the things that can be used as guidelines (and treatment):
- Avoid things that can increase stomach acid production and weaken LES as foods with high acidity and fatty acids (hamburgers, oranges, tomatoes), coffee, tea, alcohol, and chocolate.
- Divide your portion into several smaller portions instead of overeating at a time. Do not eat late at night. Do not lie down immediately after eating.
- Control weight and stop smoking. Achieve ideal weight because obesity will put extra pressure on LES.
- Stop smoking because tobacco will increase stomach acid production and weaken LES.
- Avoid slouching forward unless it should be because this increases the pressure on the LES.
- Do not use a tight belt or clothing.
- Raise the head position of your bed 6-10 inches because lying flat causes stomach acid up into the esophagus.
- Check or consult your doctor before taking any painkillers that can make your GERD symptoms worse.
- Make sure that your doctor knows all the medications you are taking.
The most commonly used drugs are antacids that are widely circulated in the market. This type of drug was standard therapy in the 1970s and was effective in controlling mild GERD symptoms. Generally, antacids are consumed after each meal and before bedtime. In addition to the antacid secretion (release) of stomach acid can also be derived with drugs from histamine 2 receptor antagonist groups, such as cimetidine, ranitidine, famotidine, etc. One very effective drug is from the proton pump inhibitor groups, such as omeprazole. This highly effective omeprazole is safe for long-term consumption
I am sure everybody wants to live healthy, with various efforts to keep health condition, but one thing that should not be forgotten: in healthy sauce, we must remember when we are sick, and in sickness we must remember when we are healthy, If we are in one position we will not forget and get lost.
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