Wednesday, July 5, 2017

How to Treat Stomach Acid Up into the Esophagus

One of the most common cases in the community is the increased excess stomach acid that can trigger the rise of stomach acid into the esophagus—conditions like this cause a person's activities to be disturbed.

Stomach acid has an essential role in the digestive system because stomach acid can help the process of decomposition of food in the stomach so easily absorbed by the body.

(Source :

But if the stomach acid produced in excess, it does not rule out the possibility of excessive stomach acid up to the esophagus that causes interference in the digestive system. This condition is known as GERD (Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease).

The cause of GERD is a standard esophageal defense system that is not strong enough to hold excess stomach acid, the stomach contents too acid, and the esophagus does not work well in skipping food.

When excessive stomach acid rises towards the esophagus, it will cause a burning sensation in the chest. Not only that, but stomach acid also causes some complication diseases such as inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis), inflammation of the esophagus, narrowing of pneumonia, and forming connective tissue in the esophagus until throat cancer occurs.

The symptoms that often arise when the rise of stomach acid include: 
- The appearance of burning and burning sensation in the chest 
- The stomach often feel pain  
- Stomach feels like nausea and vomiting 
- Experiencing Flatulence 
- The mouth is bitter 
- Often belch 
- Pain against the throat making it difficult to swallow food 
- Laryngitis is a form of inflammation that appears on the larynx or vocal cords 
- Bad breath 
- Saliva production becomes excessive.

How to Relieve Stomach Acid Up with Natural Herbs

Using Ginger 

Ginger is a spice herb that is very beneficial for the health of our body, including maintaining and maintaining the organs of the stomach. Ginger can help the process of emptying the contents of the stomach to reduce symptoms of acid reflux stomach. Consuming about 1-2 grams of either ginger powder or raw ginger wasted 1 hour before meals can reduce the risk of increased excess stomach acid into the esophagus. 

Chewing gum 

 Consuming sugar-free gum can help in the production of excess saliva. Saliva produced by the presence of chewing gum is alkaline, so it can help neutralize stomach acid. The selection of chewing gum is also significant to note. Avoid collection of chewing gum and contain lots of sugar because it can trigger acid reflux. Choose a sugar-free and chewable percent for 1/2 hour before eating.  

Baking Soda 

Baking soda works in helping to smooth the digestive system and neutralize stomach acid. Consuming one teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of water can help stabilize the acid levels in the stomach. Perform up to 4 times daily at 1-2 hours after meals. 

Chamomile tea 

Chamomile plants are no stranger to hearing a million benefits. Chamomile plants contain antiinflammatory compounds that are useful to avoid inflammation due to the erosion of excess stomach acid to the gastric mucosa. Conditions like this can make the stomach to survive the evil of stomach acid. Consuming chamomile plants such as chamomile tea can avoid the risk of acid reflux stomach.

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