Sunday, July 9, 2017

Characteristics of Chronic Heartburn

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Often Heartburn is considered a mild health problem. If We feel the pain of a relapsing ulcer is not playing.

Recurrent gastritis, usually causing the sufferer to experience pain in the pit of the stomach, then followed by nausea to vomiting and torture pain. Although considered not to cause more dangerous symptoms, patients with ulcer pain should be alert to advanced conditions or Chronic Ulcers. Then, what causes the ulcer to be chronic?

    Ulcer pain that does not get severe treatment (often ignored). 
    Consumption drugs for a long time. 
    Patients are historical of diseases, such as kidney disorders and gastric ulcers. 
    Suffer from diseases that weaken the immune system. 
    The bile diseases affect, such as the bile that flows into the stomach.

Characteristics of Chronic Ulcer/Heartburn

The following are signs or characteristics of chronic stomach disorder pain. 

Have abdominal pain in the upper abdomen. The abdominal pain that appears is sore, twisted, and uncomfortable in the upper abdominal area. The pain was apparent as a result of the swelling of the abdominal membrane. If it gets too frequent, it can cause the stomach to refuse to fill with food or drinks. Impact, the body will be weak due to a lack of nutrient intake.

Body condition weakened.

The body will then feel weak, and a cause can not cause activity as usual due to pain so great. The body becomes weak, also caused by a lack of nutrients that enter the body. Meanwhile, the area of ​​the stomach lining and stomach also experience inflammation. Inflammation is what causes the stomach can not accept food. Conditions like this should immediately get medical help for patients to be treated intensively in the hospital.


The bloated stomach characterizes the chances of suffering from chronic gastritis. Abdomen, in a bloated condition, causes discomfort. Bloating can also appear due to inflammation in the stomach. The production of too much stomach acid can also trigger the rise of stomach acid up to the upper abdomen. As a result, the stomach feels bloated and beach. The stomach will feel increasingly uncomfortable if accompanied by difficulty flue gas and sore.

Nausea and vomiting.

Another common feature of chronic gastritis is nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting are a reaction from the stomach when it is too quickly satisfying when incoming food just a little. The cause of nausea is suspect by the rise of stomach acid up to the upper abdomen.


The frequent burping also includes the chronic features of chronic ulceration. Belching includes the accumulation of excessive air buildup in the stomach. After belching, the stomach will feel comfortable. Unfortunately, once the burp will trigger to burp again and again. Moreover, when this happens, the stomach will feel nausea then vomit.

We are experiencing weight loss.

Chronic ulcer patients usually look thin, and this is because they are difficult to accept food and drink. When the body does not get enough nutrition, the body will weaken, and weight will reduce.


Defecate with bleeding.

This latter feature is very rare and only occurs in patients with very chronic ulcers. The blood that comes out along with the feces comes from the stomach and intestines that are bleeding. Bleeding in the stomach and intestine occurs when there are injuries to the stomach and intestines that then inflamed and infect both the digestive organs.

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