Monday, July 10, 2017

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Causes Dental caries

Symptoms of stomach acid such as heartburn, abdominal bloating, nausea, even vomiting, it turns out the symptoms do not have gastric acid alone. However, there are also other health problems that almost resemble gastric acid.

   (Source Picture : )

GERD Causes Rear Teeth Dental caries, other than other mouth problems such as sore throat and other digestive health problems.

Chest pain is not specific to specialist doctors. More Better with subspecialist hepatology gastroenterology, namely Herdianto Setiawan. GERD is his brother's stomach acid. GERD suffered a lot by people. He also said that 60% of patients are GERD sufferers. Healing GERD can interfere indeed with medicine, but it would be nice to treat GERD by changing a healthy lifestyle.

Rear tooth caries The cause of the back teeth of GERD caries sufferers is because the stomach acid can rise to the mouth, and if exposed to the tooth can cause dental caries or cavities. Consuming ulcer medication is also okay because it is good to neutralize the most stomach acid, but remember not to be consumed in an extended period, let alone dependence, it is very unhealthy for our body.

Avoid foods that trigger an increase in stomach acid, include carbonated foods or drinks, coffee, tea, fried excessively. GERD can also cause stress. If We have a history of GERD should avoid first trigger food and sleep with a heightened body.

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