Thursday, July 6, 2017

First Aid Tips When Stomach Acid Is Increasing

When stomach acid rises, of course, we will feel the pain in the pancreas, shortness of breath, throat burning, nausea until loss of appetite. That is not very comforting and also makes us suffer. Especially when the drug supply at home. That is running out, and too late to go out to buy drugs.

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Even though the middle of the daytime, it seems quite difficult for us to go out of the house. Because with such great pain, let alone go out, to wake up may be very difficult. 

But you do not need to panic, because when this happens, there are some tricks or precautions, which can relieve your stomach acid suffering in no time. Remember, this step only lighten, not heal. But at least, maybe the pain of suffering can be slightly reduced.

Before explaining further related first-aid measures for gastric acid symptoms, we need to know more details again related to this stomach acid.

Excess gastric acid or better known as the increase of stomach acid, is a condition of indigestion caused by the rise of stomach acid into the throat. Patients will usually experience symptoms such as nausea, m, loss of appetite, burning in the area of ​​the mouth and throat, vomiting, excess gas, belching, and abdominal pain. Also, there are times when ulu pain, and throat burning. That is due in part to the rise of acidic juices of the stomach to the esophagus. Also, the mouth will usually feel sour or bitter.

Well, if these symptoms you feel, then no doubt you have excess stomach acid. And to fix this, you can try some of the following ways.

Drink plenty of water and juice, because this drink will be able to neutralize stomach acid.  

Try to drink a glass of cold milk. Besides, to neutralize stomach acid, raw milk can also reduce the symptoms that arise. But remember to avoid consuming dairy products heartburn, because it will worsen your condition.  

Try to chew some mint leaves or drink mint juice. Because mint is known to neutralize excess stomach acid

 In addition to trying the precautions above, there are also some things you should avoid when you are stricken with excess stomach acid.  

  1. Avoid consuming citrus fruits, chocolate, peppermint, caffeine, and all of them.   
  2. Stop the consumption of alcohol and tobacco in any form   
  3. Avoid the use of spicy, fatty foods and foods with a sour taste.   
  4. Some types of plants such as onion, garlic, and beans can worsen the condition of the patient,   
  5. Therefore try to avoid these foods as well.   
  6. Carbonated drinks can also increase the production of stomach acid and worsen your condition. So try to avoid it.

How, quite easy to come instead. Well, besides that, I need to remind you again. That the steps above are just preventive measures and first aid that can ease your pain, so it is likely that the pain will be gone entirely. And to be also understood, the consumption of the food above will not cure your stomach permanently. So it is advisable to go to the doctor if your condition is possible immediately.

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