Tuesday, July 18, 2017

How To Eliminate Mouth Odor Because Of Stomach Acid

  How to get rid of bad breath due to stomach acid can be done with some, start by using refreshing mouth products, clean the mouth naturally, or by taking stomach acid medicine to the disease heal and not produce odor anymore.

( Source Picture: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjFKnw00AkVj60YrfQFBZe889fxRu_zM8-p9K_hca8ufZKnIDuxmisXwFcxHgsnPveNOzj8fJb0kXO00xZm1Q9GC_13qmJmwC_T1VVgjxTIiyBb-YAcnQM9LzCFZylcML4zyzRufj86wSo/s1600/Bau+Mulut+Kronis.jpg )

Several factors can cause bad breath, poor oral hygiene, dry mouth from mouth breathing, sinus infections, dehydration, respiratory infections, smoke, and eating spicy foods such as garlic, coffee, onions, and certain types of fish.

How To Eliminate Mouth Odor Because Of Stomach Acid


The most common causes are usually effortless to cure, but acidic stomach fluids cause resistance to lousy breath that rise, it may be complicated to treat it. It is imperative to understand the relationship between acid reflux and bad breath if we want to condition these two problems forever. How To Eliminate Mouth Odor Because Of Stomach Acid
Stomach acids that often suffered by people usually trigger by bad habits, such as never breakfast or breakfast is not regular, never breakfast cause stomach ulcers and acid rapidly rise and become disruptive diseases routine.
Before discussing how to remove bad breath caused by stomach acid, it would be better if we understand the reason why the acidic juice can affect the smell of the mouth.

How can stomach acid cause bad breath?

Increased acid or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is a condition in which the contents in the stomach flow back into the esophagus or up into the esophagus. What happens when the lower esophageal muscles or the valve between the esophagus and the stomach do not work correctly.
When the valve is not tightly bound to cover the stomach contents, the contents of the acidic stomach, the enzyme, the pepsin in the stomach, push into the esophagus. Presumably, we will feel uncomfortable and sour in the throat. The food consumed will be broken down with acidic juices in the stomach. If the esophageal ring does not close strongly, then the contents of the stomach containing the acidic food-destroying fluids will continue to push into the throat. It is also a reasonable sensation in the chest
Enzymes and other bacteria are also derived from stomach acid and contribute to odor. This problem will get worse if we eat onion, garlic, and spicy food.
As stomach acid rises, the stomach contents of gastric juice repeatedly touch the smooth layer of the esophagus. When this happens some period, it will be much damage to the lining of the esophagus. That will cause an injury in the stomach or esophagus, dead tissue that accumulates from time to time, and this will produce an unpleasant odor, which in the stomach acid plant rose due to bad breath.

How to remove bad breath due to stomach acid is a way to treat stomach acid disease itself, and this treatment should overcome before the liquid acid stomach more damaging the stomach or the patient's throat.

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