Tuesday, July 18, 2017

The Benefits Of Lime To Ulcer Sick

The Benefits of Lime For Ulcer Pain - lemon is usually widely used as complementary ingredients for cooking for homemakers, whereas lime is also many benefits for health. One of them the benefits of lime that can treat acute ulcers or chronic ulcer pain. This time I will explain the lemon in treating heartburn.

 ( Source Picture : https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgf8zMINFSaAbWZcL1MLTlYZu4fQiNCMOaEbidEjyNcx14DYOZDkkMWheRmrrB8tT3Iyy8MHbSWit-ry1I_YtY4_xnSdIamdxLkZhdntl04iMBN7hR66OgCglCyUnZjfmOi1XKAm9JtTAQ/s1600/Rahasia+Sehat+dengan+Jeruk+Nipis.jpg )

The symptoms often felt in patients with acute ulcers such as nausea, often experienced vomiting, frequent cramps in the stomach, indigestion, decreased appetite, and stomach pain. That is similar to that felt by chronic ulcer patients in the event of a mild attack can be overcome by eating. Usually, this is often considered trivial for some people, but if the let alone can lead to leakage in the stomach.
Here are some of the causes of ulcer disease, including Benefits Of Lemon To Mouth Disease

The food is greasy

This type of food is a factor that causes ulcer disease because the oil contains much fat that became one of the triggers ulcers.

Irregular diet

Irregular dietary factors can also lead to the emergence of ulcer disease because the stomach is often empty.

Consume too many caffeine drinks

For those of us who like caffeinated beverages, We recommend cutting them down because caffeinated drinks can also cause heartburn. Because by consuming caffeine, we rarely feel hungry.


Is one of the factors causing ulcer disease

   Fatigue activity

   Lack of sleep


Here is a way to treat ulcer disease with lemon.

How to use them are:

First, prepare the fresh lime juice, then squeeze and grab the water. 
Then mix one tablespoon lime juice with one tablespoon, pure honey, then drink regularly two times a day before meals.


We suggest in this treatment, and you should maintain a regular diet, adequate sleep, do not eat oily food, avoid caffeinated drinking drinks, and smoking first. Because if we still do these things, then there will never be any reaction to our illness heartburn.


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